YM Schedule Survey

We want to ask you to help us figure out which of our programs are really helping you. Which are your favorites and what nights are best for you to participate?
Justin and I will be making some adjustments to the schedule for youth ministry programs and we’d like to know your thoughts on them. Would you each take five minutes to prayerfully consider this list and rate your favorites? We may need to move some things around so it is really important that you tell us your preferences today or tomorrow (1-6-15 thru 1-8-15).
Please keep in mind that we may not be able to make everyone happy with the new dates and times but we want to give you the opportunity to weigh in on the programs.
Please rate each program from 1 to 5 with 1 being really like it and 5 being could live without it.
Teen Adoration _____
Teen Bible Study_____
Teen Rosary for Life_____
True~Life Nights_____
Bingo at WCV_____
You should be able to just cut and paste these questions and then email them back to me with your answers:
We will be making the changes before we start up again next week so do this now and pass the word on to all the other teens to do it too.
Thanks so much!
Michael and Justin

Posted January 6, 2015 by admin in Uncategorized